Thursday, March 17, 2011

I had a bee in bonnet! And it's all about WASTING TIME DISEASE

I had a bee in bonnet! i dunno why xactly, but i thought it caused by .dyflqiuwabf. okay, i was thinkin of a break, a break from this wasting time activity. I'm kinda person who use my time properly. I can't stand with people who waste their time well. I'm not into that.
They're killin  my time anyway, I'd rather use my time to do something useful! Doing my assignment, thinkin about my big bang business with dina. Or concentrating myself in writing or other project THAN WAITING for such a wasting time matter. I'd love to wait, but when it breaks my priority, I'd better walk out!
I'm not living in a wealthy condition, i've gotta struggle. That's why i really don't like to waste my time.
I can tolerate people who waste their money, but for people who waste their time. oh okay!

Mngkin bagi orang yang gak ngerasain perjuangan, mereka bakal gampang aja buang2 waktu. Tapi buat gue, waktu itu bukan sekadar buat dinikmatin. Tapi buat dijalanin. Gue udah ngikiutin caranya Bong Chandra dimana gue menghitung harga waktu gue. Walaupun 1 jam waktu gue baru seharga 5000, tapi buat gue itu berharga banget. Selain gue orangnya gak sabaran, gue gak bisa buang2 waktu banyak. Bukannya gue sok sibuk, tapi buat gue waktu itu buat struggle. Gue juga mulai ngebiasain biar gak ngaret, atau gak nunggu lama. Maka bekerjasamalah dengan waktu.
Hidup bersama orang yang sering membuang2 waktu bikin waktu lo terbuang juga! RUBAH

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Arzia Tivany Wargadiredja